Did you know that La Farge Schools has an After School Program for grades 4K - 5th?
We do! And we have openings for 2nd Semester!
ASC runs 5 days/week until 5:30, boasts a high adult - to - child ratio, keeps kids busy with fun activities, and provides a healthy snack.
A sampling of our After School Club activities that students have had the opportunity to participate in lately:
- Field trips to area parks and businesses
- Special guest speakers
- Daily outdoor activities
- Arts & Crafts
- Theme Weeks such as Wizards and Thankfulness
- Cooking projects
- Pizza parties
More information about our program and daily/monthly rates are available here.
Due to generous donations from our community partners, we are able to offer significantly reduced tuition to qualifying families.
Please contact Elementary Principal Josh Hansen at 625-0155 or hansenj@lafarge.k12.wi.us with questions or to enroll!