Spring Into Healthy Habits!

March 11, 2020

Dear La Farge School Families, 

We are aware of the fact that there are now three (3) confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVD-19) in Wisconsin and officials are predicting there are likely more to come. Although no cases have been identified in our general region, this situation has already affected several Wisconsin school districts and our leadership team felt it appropriate to provide some information regarding our planning in the event that an extended school closure would become necessary in the future. 

District staff are working closely with state and local officials in monitoring this situation, and will rely on our information about student and staff health status, and their expertise to determine if and when a school closure is necessary. In the event of a school closure, the District is developing plans to continue to support students with the services they receive at school. We are committed to ensuring continuity of education and meal programs for our 4K - 12th grade students. 

Below are some preliminary plans the District is considering as we prepare for the potential of a prolonged school closure. We will provide updates as plans are finalized. 

Continuity of education for grades 3 - 12:

  • Chromebooks and chargers would be sent home with students, unless an at-home device is already available for student use. 

  • Teachers would provide for and communicate online learning plans to students and families, and be available as needed for instructional support. 

    • We recognize that this approach may not work for every student and every family due to connectivity issues, special needs, and other circumstances. In those cases, staff will work to identify other options for supporting learning,  such as sending materials through the mail, identifying a location to drop off materials, support via phone, or scheduling one-on-one or small group meetings (if acceptable given the public health implications). 

Continuity of education for grades 4K - 2:

  • Materials will be provided for students to work on grade level skills.

  • Teachers would be in frequent communication via phone or email for instructional support.

Continuity of meal programs:

  • Arrangements would be made for provision of grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches. 

  • Meals would be available for pick up or delivered to specific locations, during certain days and times each week. 

Specific plans will be communicated to students and families as soon as possible after a closure determination has been made. Please be aware that there would be no after school activities- whether academic, extra-curricular, or athletic, in the event of a closure.  


What you can do to help the District serve our students, staff, and families efficiently and safely:

  • Ensure your contact information is up to date, including phone numbers, mailing addresses, email addresses, etc, in the Skyward Family Access system. Contact the office if you need assistance in updating any information.

  • Please report any confirmed contact with or cases of respiratory illness- particularly as travel takes place during our upcoming spring break.

  • Employ CDC recommendations regarding everyday preventive actions to stop the spread of germs:

    • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time;

    • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers;

    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

    • Stay home when you are sick, and do not send sick students to school

    • Cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing

Additional details will be provided as they become available. 

Feel free to contact me at gustafsonm@lafarge.k12.wi.us or 625-0107 with any questions.

Meaghan Gustafson

District Administrator