forward exam

March 11, 2020



Dear La Farge Schools Families:



The School District of La Farge is preparing to administer the state mandated Forward Exam for grades 3-8, and 10.  Our testing window is March 23rd-May 6th.  Subjects tested include English Language Arts (Grades 3-8), Mathematics (Grades 3-8), Social Studies (Grades 4, 8, 10), and Science (Grades 4, 8).  The different grade levels are testing at different times as best fits their daily schedules.  We ask that you do your best to ensure your child’s attendance throughout the window, so make-up testing is not necessary. 


Freshmen and sophomores will complete the ACT Aspire during the week of April 13th.  The ACT Aspire assesses students in the areas of English, Math, Science, Reading, and Writing.  Results predict a student’s success on the ACT during their junior year.  It is a great measuring stick for students as they determine their strengths and weaknesses.  Again, we ask that students’ attendance not hinder their ability to complete the assessment in a timely fashion.


Dates and times of all tests are subject to change as needed.  Contact Tim Slack with any questions regarding your child’s testing schedule.





Tim Slack

La Farge School Counselor

District Assessment Coordinator
