School Impacts

March 17, 2020

La Farge Schools Students and Families:

It is amazing to see our Wildcat Nation pull together during this unprecedented pandemic. Our teachers have worked hard to provide engaging instruction for students. Our meal service delivery started seamlessly with strong participation. Our community partners have been in touch about how they can help coordinate services and overcome barriers for students and families. 

As we move through this together, please consider La Farge Schools as a partner and ally. 

We will continue to do whatever we can for our students and families. 

Here are some updates.

Building Closure:

On Tuesday, March 17 from 10:00am - 6:00pm, please visit the school briefly to pick up any personal belongings, clear out lockers, and retrieve instructional materials to use during the closure. Grades 3 - 12 can sign out a Chromebook and charger if they need to for use the next few weeks. Teachers will be here until 3:45 to check in with and answer questions. 

Additional pick up hours are Wednesday, March 18 between 9:00am and 12:00pm. The building will be closed to visitors after Wednesday. 

No extracurricular activities or athletic practices or events will take place during this time.

Continuity of Education:

Grades 3 - 12

Beginning on March 18, teachers will be implementing online learning plans for students. Teachers are using Google Classroom as the online learning platform. You will receive an invitation to join Google Classroom, so that you can be informed about and support your student’s learning during the closure. 

Families: Here is a link to a helpful video about how to use Google Classroom as a parent/guardian. 

Students: It is the expectation of students that they should log into their Google Classrooms and/or check in with their teachers at least once each day. Teachers will be available to students for quick replies and feedback between 9am and 3pm each day, though feel free to reach out to them at other times. 

Technical Difficulties: If you are struggling with something related to your Chromebook or Google Classroom, please email and someone will be in touch shortly. 

Internet Access: La Farge Schools staff are working with our community partners to help provide internet access for all households. If you need help with internet access, please call the office at 625-2400.

Grades 4K - 2

Take home bundles of individualized student materials will be available for pick up on Tuesday, March 17 or Wednesday, March 18. Teachers will be in touch with students and families several times each week to answer questions, provide feedback, and provide ideas for additional learning opportunities. Teachers are available during learning days for students and families- please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Continuity of Other Services:

Speech: Individualized resources will be available for pick up on Tuesday, March 17, and will include details about days/times Ms. Kris Heineck will be in contact with families, and will be available for student and family consultation. She can be reached at 625-0120 or

Occupational Therapy: Individualized resources will be available for pick up on Tuesday, March 17, and will include details about days/times the OT staff will be available for support. Karen Maurer

Physical Therapy: Recommendations for staying active and developing gross motor skills will be shared with families by phone and/or email. Michelle Drucker can be reached at

Special Education: Your student’s case manager is linked on their Google Classroom pages and will also be in frequent contact with students and families to support learning during the break. Ms. Cravens: or 625-0153
Mrs. Keenan: or 625-0130
Mrs. Walleser: or 625-0106
Mrs. Degner: or 625-0119

Title I: Mrs. Curtis will be connecting with her students and their families via Google Classroom and/or email with ideas for targeted skill development for reading and math. She can be reached at or 625-0128.

Social-Emotional: Elementary teachers will all be providing information about how families can talk to and help support their children with social-emotional skill development. If you need assistance with accessing mental health services or social-emotional support for your child, please call Mrs. Jessica Slack at 625-0147 or

If your student participates in services not listed above, or if you have additional questions, please call the school office for more information. 

Continuity of Food Service:

We will be providing free bagged breakfasts and lunches during the mandated COVID-19 school closure. Bagged meals will be offered Monday through Friday from March 16th thru April 3rd. Lunches will contain a sandwich, fruit, vegetable, and milk, and will be packaged with the next day's breakfast. Each breakfast will contain milk, fruit juice, and an Uncrustables OR a muffin and a cheese stick.  The meals will be packaged together and will be delivered by 11:00am each day. Any child in your household 18 years of age or younger is eligible to receive one of these lunches.

There are two ways to place an order for these bagged meals.

  • Go to this link. Once you sign up for meals, they will be delivered each day until you call or email to cancel. 

  • Call (608) 625-0135 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. to sign up. If no one answers, please call back so that we can gather all of the necessary information.

All bagged meals will be offered FREE of charge regardless if your student is eligible for free/reduced meals to household members 18 and under.

Orders will be delivered to addresses within the district. Please place a cooler outside your door for the meals to be dropped off in. If you live outside of the District but would like to participate in this service please call 608-625-0135.

Special Dietary Needs: We will do our best to accommodate special dietary needs. Please make sure to inform us of any at the time you sign up for orders. We can only meet requests when we have a doctor’s note on file. 

Ongoing Communication: The District office will remain open during the closure. During this unprecedented time, we are committed to keeping in touch with the children and families of the La Farge School District. If there is anything you need, please call us- we are continuing to work diligently to serve our students during this closure. 

As this situation evolves, we will keep you updated on timelines and provision of services. 

Take care, Wildcats!

Stay healthy,

La Farge Schools Staff