Students in grades 9-12 are invited to join Sources of Strength for a Movie Night on Thursday, March 13th!
3 days ago, Alison Benson
LFSD is closed today due to the forecast.
4 days ago, Meaghan Gustafson
school closed
Here are our athletes of the week! 7th grader, Reese Nordin and 11th grader Brian Potter. These student athletes not only play sports but stay involved in other extra curriculars as well.
6 days ago, Alison Benson
The District is seeking a dynamic and highly organized individual to join our team. This position has the benefit of being flexible - part time, full time, and some work from home are all components we can discuss for the right candidate. Compensation is based on experience and education, and regionally competitive along with a very strong benefits package. More information on or at our website:
9 days ago, Meaghan Gustafson
Hiring Bookkeeper/Business Manager
4K and Kindergarten have been enjoying the new art center and kinetic sand activities during their free choice time! We’re building our fine motor skills while having lots of fun!
9 days ago, Alison Benson
Today's events, Wednesday, February 26th.
11 days ago, Alison Benson
Today's events for, Tuesday, February 25th.
12 days ago, Alison Benson
We're proud to announce La Farge's class of 2025's Valedictorian and Salutatorian, Brielle Hansen and Autumn Bell!
13 days ago, Alison Benson
Here are our athletes of the week! 7th grader, Xan Robertson and 11th grader Riley Grefe. These student athletes not only play sports but stay involved in other extra curriculars as well.
13 days ago, Alison Benson
Today's events for, Monday, February 24th.
13 days ago, Alison Benson
Grab your K/LF/YI regional champ apparel now! Order by Sunday night!
15 days ago, Alison Benson
High School basketball is in action tonight! You can find the girls at home for their last home game of the season, and the boys at Royall.
16 days ago, Alison Benson
The 7th graders showed their Valentine's spirit with a Punnett Square speed dating activity. For this activity, each student was assigned a monster card that listed 4 traits. Each student then went on 3 "dates" with other monsters to complete Punnett squares for each date. It was a fun way to practice the genetics skills they are learning in class!
18 days ago, Alison Benson
Middle School students are headed to the KVR on Friday, February 28th for a fun filled day of learning and activities. Parents, please be on the lookout for permission slips that include more information.
19 days ago, Kjersten Walleser
MS Field Trip
LFSD is having some bus trouble this morning leading to late pick ups. Families affected are being called and emailed. If you have any questions please call the District office.
19 days ago, Meaghan Gustafson
UPDATED Today's events, Tuesday, February 18th.
19 days ago, Alison Benson
La Farge Schools and Kickapoo Valley Forest School will have a 2-hour delay on Tuesday, February 18.
20 days ago, Meaghan Gustafson
2 Hour Delay 2-18-2025
Community Blood Drive hosted by the La Farge National Honor Society is today from 11:30 to 4:30. The drive is at the La Farge Schools Gym. Walk-ins are welcome and each unit collected helps with a scholarship for our Senior class.
20 days ago, NHS
Blood Drive
Reminder store is set to close tonight at midnight!
20 days ago, Alison Benson
Today's events, Monday, February 17th.
20 days ago, Alison Benson