4k began learning about responsibility today by adopting a class pet! Meet Mason and his buffalo, Jake.

Facilities Committee Meeting
Wednesday, Sep 11
5:15 p.m.
Conference Room
1. Call to order
2. Compliance with Open Meeting Law
3. Update on status of facilities
4. Discussion about Vehicles/Snow Removal
5. Adjourn

Congratulations to our fair exhibitors at the Richland County Fair as they were representing La Farge FFA!

Our Elementary After School Club starts today! Families, if you are planning on sending your elementary student, please make sure their teacher knows!

Elementary Parents: Today is Specials Day 4
Kindergarten: Library
1st: Guidance
2nd: Music / Art
3rd: Phy. Ed.
4th: Music / Phy. Ed.
5th: Phy. Ed. / Music

What a crew! It's been a great first week back at school. See you Monday, Wildcats! #EveryStudentEveryDay #PurplePride#ItsAGreatDayToBeAWildcat

Friday night lights! The K/LF Predators will be taking on the De Soto Pirates at De Soto. Kick off is at 7pm. Good luck Predators!

First project for the World Studies freshmen: make me a world map, using only two pieces of paper and a glue stick! No peeking at a "real" map first. Not too shabby!

First project for the World Studies freshmen: make me a world map, using only two pieces of paper and a glue stick! No peeking at a "real" map first. Not too shabby!

Elementary Parents: Today is Specials Day 3:
Kindergarten: Music / Phy. Ed.
1st: Phy. Ed. / Music
2nd: Phy. Ed.
3rd: Music / Art
4th: Guidance
5th: Library

Elementary Parents: Today is Specials Day 2:
Kindergarten: Guidance
1st: Art
2nd: Music / Library
3rd: Phy. Ed.
4th: Music / Phy. Ed.
5th:Phy. Ed. Music

Wildcat Welcome: Introducing... Ms. Fonk!
Our new 3rd grade teacher joins us for her first year teaching, after interning at West Allis and long-term subbing at Sparta. Ms. Fonk recently moved to La Farge and is excited to get to know the community! #EveryStudentEveryDay

After School Club for Elementary Students starts next week!!! If you haven't signed up yet, please stop in the office, request a form from your child's teacher, or email the Club Coordinator, Dawn Thiege-Parr, at thiegeparrd@lafarge.k12.us. More information about the program can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10gRoH59jFf2PTmbROeQyFBeDh7XNGS_xZwHHe-GhomY/edit?usp=sharing

Elementary Parents: We are starting our 6-Day specials rotation today. Today is Day 1
Kindergarten - Music / Phy.-Ed.
1st - Phy.-Ed. / Music
2nd - Phy. Ed.
3rd - Music / Guidance
4th - Library
5th - Art

There will be a youth trap shoot event this Sunday, Sept 8 starting at 10am. The event will be held at the La Farge Trap Club and is open to all youth that have had the Hunter’s Safety Course.

Wildcat Welcome: Introducing... Mrs. Rose!
Our new 5th grade teacher comes to us after 7 years of teaching Middle School Math in Kansas City, KS schools. She has a degree in Elementary Ed from Emporia State University, and loves the Muppets! #EveryStudentEveryDay #PurplePride

After School Club: Reminder that after school club starts Monday, September 9th

We're all set-up and ready for a fantastic year in the art room! Great things are going to happen!

If you didn't get the chance to get your official La Farge Schools Back to School pic at our Tailgate Party, you still have the opportunity tomorrow at arrival! #EveryStudentEveryDay #ItsAGreatDayToBeAWildcat #PurplePride