LHS Senior Sunday Shoutout goes to Marwan Asad! Marwan has participated in Basketball, Baseball, Wellness Club, Art Club and Band. Marwan has enlisted in the Army National Guard. He will be leaving for Basic Training after graduation. We wish you all the best Marwan! #seniorsunday #everystudenteveryday #wildcatpride #classof2020
over 4 years ago, Tammy Daines
Marwan baby pic
Marwan A
A huge thank you to the community for not only coming out to support the boys and girls basketball teams but to also help support Faith. Both basketball teams were successful last night! With the help of our community and the opposing teams, we were able to raise over $1,500! #FAITHSTRONG #LaFargeHighSchoolStudentCouncil
over 4 years ago, High School Student Council
3K Parents: Valentine's Party will be held Friday, February 21st.
over 4 years ago, Michelle Greenwood
2 Hour Delay Today on Friday, Feb 14 NO 3K Assembly at 10:15
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
One last reminder to join us tonight at La Farge Schools for a conversation about our long-term facilities plan. Lots of great conversation at the staff focus group after school!
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
Community Focus Group
Third graders work on playing music from the music staff!
over 4 years ago, Elementary Music
Third graders play instruments.
First graders play bingo with rhythms that include one sound on a beat, two sounds on a beat, and no sound on a beat.
over 4 years ago, Elementary Music
First grade plays rhythm bingo.
4K mornings are never dull! This morning already include Valentine making, taste testing, and motor lab!
over 4 years ago, Michelle Greenwood
motor lab
taste test
motor lab
The Art room has turned into a temporary t-shirt factory! Hope to see you at tomorrow night's basketball games! #EveryStudentEveryDay #FightingforFaith
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
Reminder: Community Focus Group regarding La Farge Schools' Facilities long term plan. We hope to see you there! 6pm in the HS Library.
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
Community Focus Group
The lower elementary celebrated 100 Days of the 2019-2020 school year with some fun activities today! #OneHundredDaysSmarter #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
100 day chart
100 days smarter
Fifth graders play “who has” with rhythms including two sixteenth notes followed by an eighth note, and an eighth note followed by two sixteenth notes.
over 4 years ago, Elementary Music
Fifth graders work on rhythms
Good luck to our students participating in Forensics subdistricts today! #MondayMotivation #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
Don't forget to be awesome
Reminder: School is dismissed at 1pm today! If your elementary student has different dismissal plans, please contact their teacher.
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
Early Release today
LHS Senior Sunday Shoutout goes to Mason Schneider! Mason has participated in Basketball, Baseball, Wellness Club, Art Club, Band and Travelers Club. Mason has enlisted in the Army National Guard. He will be leaving for Basic Training after graduation. We wish you all the best Mason! #seniorsunday #everystudenteveryday #wildcatpride #classof2020
over 4 years ago, Tammy Daines
Baby Mason
3K got to enjoy an in-class motor lab and a birthday treat! Happy Birthday Cassie!
over 4 years ago, Michelle Greenwood
Intro to Culinary Arts students wrapped up their Beef unit by tailgating on this sunny Friday afternoon! It smells like summer out there! #EveryStudentEveryDay #FCSFriday
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
24K is a student council organizations where teachers can nominate students that have gone above and beyond for a reward for their hard work.
over 4 years ago, High School Student Council
24K students Maverick N and Chance R
Wanted: Your feedback!
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools
Community Focus Group
Today's Bring Your Board Member to School visitor is Board President Aaron Nemec! He is pictured here with Mr. Fowell in first hour Woods class, and will also visit Art, 6th grade English/Language Arts, High School Band, and Communications! #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 4 years ago, La Farge Schools